- Homogeneous Strain Introduction Using Reciprocation Technique in High-Pressure Sliding
(Masuda Takahiro, Fujimitsu Kazushige, Sumikawa Kosei, Kajita Takahiro, Tang Yongpeng, Hirosawa Shoichi, Takizawa Yoichi, Yumoto Manabu, Otagiri Yoshiharu, Horita Zenji)METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, 52, 3860 - 3870 (2021). - Continuous high-pressure torsion of pure Al and Al-2 wt% Fe alloy using multi-wires
(Masuda Takahiro, Hirosawa Shoichi, Horita Zenji)JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 56, 8679 - 8688 (2021). - Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of Al-Cu-Li alloys with different rolling schedules and subsequent artificial ageing heat treatment
(Liu Dan-yang, Li Jin-feng, Liu Tian-le, Ma Yun-long, Iwaoka Hideaki, Hirosawa Shoichi, Zhang Kai, Zhang Rui-feng)Materials Characterization, 170, 110676-1 - 110676-11 (2020). - Considerable improvement in elastic moduli and the underlying mechanism of Al-Cu-Zn alloy subjected to aging treatments
(Kasama Ryota, Iwaoka Hideaki, Umeda Yuto, Tang Yongpeng, Hirosawa Shoichi, Watanabe Hiroyuki, Fujita Masashi)Materialia, 14, 100911-1 - 100911-8 (2020). - Precipitate microstructures, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of Al-1.0 wt%Cu-2.5 wt%Li alloys with different micro-alloyed elements addition
(D. Liu, Y. Ma, J. Li, R. Zhang, H. Iwaoka and S. Hirosawa)Materials characterization, 167, 110528, (2020). - Achieving highly strengthened Al–Cu–Mg alloy by grain refinement and grain boundary segregation
(T. Masuda, X. Sauvage, S. Hirosawa and Z. Horita)Materials Science and Engineering A, 793, 139668 (2020). - Development of thermally stable powder metallurgy Al–Mn alloy extrusions and prediction of their terminal strength after prolonged service periods at high temperatures
(N. Maki, H. Iwaoka and S. Hirosawa)Materials Science and Engineering: A, 793, 139813 (2020). - Effect of Scan Strategy on Mechanical Properties of AlSi12 Lattice Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting
(Sairaiji Masahiko, Yoshizaki Hiroshi, Iwaoka Hideaki, Hirosawa Shoichi, Maruo Shoji)JOURNAL OF LASER MICRO NANOENGINEERING, 15, 7 - 11 (2020). - First-principles calculation of elastic properties of Cu-Zn intermetallic compounds for improving the stiffness of aluminum alloys
(H.Iwaoka, S.Hirosawa)Computational Materials Science, 174, 109479 (2019). - Microstructures and the Mechanical Properties of the Al–Li–Cu Alloy Strengthened by the Combined Use of Accumulative Roll Bonding and Aging
(Yongpeng Tang, Shoichi Hirosawa, Seiji Saikawa, Kenji Matsuda, Seungwon Lee, Zenji Horita, Daisuke Terada)Advanced Science (2019) - Development of High-Strength Bolt Material of Al–Mg–Si Alloy by ECAP and Various Aging Treatments
(Tomoyasu Obata, Yongpeng Tang, Hideaki Iwaoka, Shoichi Hirosawa, Keiki Mouri, Masahiko Shimoda)MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 60, 1680 - 1687 (2019). - Effect of pre-aging on artificial age-hardening behavior of Al-Mg-Si alloys with Mg + Si = 1.5 mass%
(S. Tsukamoto, S. Nakamura, K. Fujiwara, S. Hirosawa, Y. Koshino, and Y. Aruga)Proc. of the 16th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys (ICAA16), 404577, 1 - 6 (2018). - ECAP加工と各種時効処理によるAl-Mg-Si系合金製高力ボルト素材の開発
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